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Piccadilly Lite


Land Securities, which has owned Piccadilly Lights since the 1970s, has developed “Piccadilly Lite” in order to allow more advertisers to benefit from the global exposure the site provides.

I see that Clear Channel Outdoor is now working with MT2 – the sole managing agents of Piccadilly Lights – to enable brands to advertise their campaigns.

The site, which measures 23m by 2m, reaches an audience in excess of 2.2m per fortnight.

Campaigns I believe of 30”, 60” or longer can be booked for between two and 12 weeks.

Interestingly Piccadilly Lite will also allow members of the public to post personal, rolling messages at the cost of £1,000 per minute (blimey).

The Piccadilly Lite site will form part of Clear Channel Outdoor’s Pinnacle division.

The addition of Piccadilly Lite will not change or alter existing long-term campaigns on Piccadilly Lights – which of course include; Samsung, McDonald’s, Coca Cola, TDK and Sanyo.