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Industry Weapon Joins HP AllianceONE Program

We have to admit that, even with its ‘about us’ statement below, we don’t quite fully understand what Pittsburgh-based Industry Weapon [1], ‘digital media solutions company’, REALLY does! It does however seem to be announcing a lot of alliances and partnerships with various companies [2].

It has just joined HP AllianceONE Program [3] that was itself created to build a world-class ecosystem of strategic alliances with various hardware and software partners.

A press statement says that Industry Weapon will also be able to leverage HPAllianceONE solutions, tools and resources to help its customers speed time to application deployment.

“Joining the Program made the most sense for us and our customers,” said William Chufo, Industry Weapon’s chief technology officer. “Customers with existing HP hardware won’t have to ‘rip and replace’ their hardware to fully utilize our CommandCenterHD platform. This means no additional investment is needed for customers currently using HP hardware.”

About Industry Weapon

Industry Weapon provides innovative media solutions for digital signage, mobile phones, IP Phones, the desktop and the Web to a range of clients. We work to simplify digital media communications and developed the cloud-based platform known as CommandCenterHD. This platform offers a high adoption rate of non-technical users and is not bound by a specific software platform. A customer list which includes more than 10 percent of the Fortune 500, successful deployments in eight countries, a 97% customer retention rate, along with live, 24/7 support, are all testament to our prolific and continued growth. We proudly serve clients worldwide from our Pittsburgh, PA headquarters, and our digital media learning centers in Las Vegas, NV, and Phoenix, AZ.

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1 Comment To "Industry Weapon Joins HP AllianceONE Program"

#1 Comment By Richard Hertz On 20 February 2012 @ 12:28 @561

Installment three from the newly hired PR machine. We can hardly wait for the inevitable pre-DSE release. Could be another partner announcement, but still have 50 quid on a software feature.