Tesco Screens Creative RFP

Adrian J Cotterill, Editor-in-Chief

Tesco Screens Creative RFP

DailyDOOH has the worldwide exclusive and is the first to distribute the Tesco Screens Creative RFP which is attached as a Word document to this blog.

Please note the deadlines which are, of course, very important…

  • Deadline to submit via fax/e-mail
    Attachment A (Notice of Intent to Bid) December 24th, 2007
  • Deadline to submit RFP via email
    and Attachment B via fax/e-mail to dunnhumby January 18th, 2008

Responses to the RFP should be directed back direct to Dunnhumby as indicated in the RFP itself.

3 Responses to “Tesco Screens Creative RFP”

  1. Digital Signage News Says:

    Tesco Screens RFP on the way…

  2. john ryan Says:

    Hi Adrian,

    Nancy forwarded this to me and it leaves me with a quesiton.

    Did Dunnhumby/Tesco ask or give you permission to publish this RFP?

    It is marked ‘confidential’ and has given some pause about possible violations of agreemnts.

    You comment would be very helpful.



  3. Adrian J Cotterill Says:

    John, rest assured that DailyDOOH was given permission and a worldwide exclusive to give the RFP as much exposure as possible. Excerpt from the email from Dunnhumby below….


    Great opportunity for you – we have published an RFP document for the creative for Tesco Screens. I thought you could send it out to your mailing list or put it on your blog in the interests of reaching the widest possible audience….
    … the fit with your audience will be a strong one.



    Joel Hopwood

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