What Are Amscreen Up To Now Then?

Adrian J Cotterill, Editor-in-Chief

Someone could put a whole business together monitoring what Amscreen are up to these days as never a week seems to go by without expansion in Germany or Poland, something new in the Middle East or a surprise when you head down the road to your local petrol / gas station …

Perhaps not content with dominating the indoor forecourt convenience sector it looks like they are either trialling / experimenting or actually rolling out outdoor screens.

We’ve had reports of half a dozen outdoor digital posters such as this (above) appearing in the UK. This follows on of course from our exclusive peak at Amscreen Digital Menu Boards appearing across parts of their ‘estate’ as well.

2 Responses to “What Are Amscreen Up To Now Then?”

  1. History Lesson Says:

    Anyone remember Forecourt TV?

  2. Anonymous Says:

    This is not forecourt TV and a fantastic Idea.. There is no scaled Digital roadside
    network that covers the 273m plus people a year who visit BP petrol stations or more to the point the trillion a year who drive past.
    Well done Amscreen, you could be breaking profitable ground.
    BTW Simon, I pitched this in 2008 so perhaps you owe me a beer.

    Phil Austin

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