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Measurement Gets More Crowded WIth @ThirdSight’s CrowdSight

This audience measurement stuff is so easy to do these days with any form of camera attached to a PC that it always surprises us when we see folks announcing ever more ‘unique’ solutions that “turn digital screens into intelligent machines” but there you have it.

[1]Amsterdam based ThirdSight B.V. [1] has released its digital signage software solution, CrowdSight and we quote “CrowdSight allows advertisers, narrowcasters, software developers, and broadcasters to collect information about an audience walking by, or standing in front of, a digital screen … djust the message or commercial on the digital screen according to the mood, gender, age, or head position of the individual(s) blah blah”.

They claim the usual; Age, Gender, Foot traffic in front of signage, Attention time etc but also throw in Mood, Clothing style, Clothing colors as well.

They say that their SDK can also be used in video games and was developed by ThirdSight based on over 10 years of research at the University of Amsterdam. We note other related ThirdSight products include the emotion recognition market research software EmoVision, and a software development kit to pick the brain of costumers: the inSight SDK.

Now if only they were exhibiting at #ScreenmediaExpo this week we could see how unique they actually are!