myHermes ParcelShop RoadShow @atmAd

Maddie Cotterill

myHermes will be giving high street shoppers a helping hand in the run up to Christmas this year, by offering a free wrapping service at major shopping centres and Christmas Fayres.

The myHermes ParcelShop RoadShow is travelling across the UK from Portsmouth to Edinburgh offering their services and daily competitions and ave just started to us atmAd to raise awareness on the run up to and during each event to help drive footfall to the events.

Jonathan Bennett from myHermes told us “The AtmAd solution offered an effective means of raising awareness of our myHermes ParcelShop Roadshow to people in and around each location. This targeted and innovative approach means we can reach the correct audience that can benefit from our service offering, helping to raise visibility and ultimately increase footfall”.

The campaign will be displayed on over 650 digital screens giving blanket atmAd coverage at the RoadShow locations across the UK. The campaign will run from November into December and aims to deliver over one million one-to-one engagements.

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