ABDOH Launches Technology & Suppliers Chamber

Gail Chiasson, North American Editor

The Associação Brasileira de Mídia Digital Out of Home, ie. The Brazilian Association of Digital Out of Home Media (ABDOH) has announced a new Technology and Suppliers Chamber, with the aim of attracting large- and medium-sized companies, both national and international.

abdoh_logoThe initial six members are: AOC, BroadSign, Inviron, JBtec, Lince and Orion, with new members expected to join over the next few months.

The group will be recognized as an ABDOH affiliate, with all rights and inherent duties.

In this way, the ABDOH hopes to increase its coverage and become stronger in the market – with also more political power in section interest pleas.

According to the ABDOH statute, ‘The technical support partners supply technology to digital out-of-home media communication services, having a membership limited to their areas of expertise.’

These companies are expected to obey ABDOH rules, as well as its code of ethics. Beyond that, it will respect the association’s main objectives including those of: strengthening the market; union between the chamber membership companies; union between the companies and the associated operators; exchange of experiences; promotion of the vehicle and specific industries; ethics aspects; legal aspects; vehicle enhancement; and international vision.

As partners they also have rights that are guaranteed by the statute. Among them, as an official ABDOH partner, they can use the partner label in their own materials; and can reference in all materials that makes sense, including the brand logo, description, news on ABDOH web site; can participate in webinars and in sending messages through digital marketing, in all entity events and actions, in meetings, commissions etc.; and can expect ABDOH support on actions, purposes and events.

“In Brazil and abroad, technology companies, and monitors, software, hardware, screen manufacturers, among others, are essential for the operator’s growth,” says Angelo Sá Júnior, ABDOH president. “The interest of ABDOH is in closer ties. With this new arrangement, we closed the circle of action, embracing all new vehicle’s areas. This way, the Association can act on all fronts, including on technology development, promoting the union and fortification of the digital or static companies.

“The industry gains scale to grow even more and gain even more strength when negotiating advertising investments and fighting for our rights.”

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