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Sign Me Up Says PATTISON Outdoor

PATTISON Outdoor [1] is presenting Sign Me Up, a series of ultra-short video works by New York-based conceptual artist Steve Lambert and Toronto-based multi-media artist Gary MacLeod on PATTISON video billboards in downtown Toronto now to Aug. 31/14.

signmeup_macleod [2]Sign Me Up is part of Art in Transit, PATTISON’s ongoing arts and culture programme.

Tackling the issues of signage and commercial culture in our mass media landscape, The End by Steve Lambert presents an engaging critique of the fantasies proffered by the endless advertising loop with 8-second clips pulled from the very end of various classics, lesser-known, and educational films. Shifting the viewers’ perspective, Anger Due To by Gary MacLeod is a transformation of an earlier street intervention project in which MacLeod gives the public the ability to talk back to ‘Danger’ warning signs by changing the content to other, more personal, meanings.

“Signage and advertising are very strong components in the practices of both Lambert and MacLeod, so displaying their work on commercial billboards makes complete sense,” says Sharon Switzer, national arts programmer and curator for PATTISON Onestop. “Sign Me Up will contribute to the conversation surrounding the negotiation of commercial, public and cultural interests.”

The End by Steve Lambert appears on PATTISON Outdoor’s largest downtown video board, located at the corner of Yonge and Edward Streets, just north of Dundas Square, an area that experiences more than 100,000 pedestrians on a daily basis. Six ultra-short, 8-second videos by Lambert will be featured in rotation throughout the day with one of the videos screening approximately every minute across the 60 foot-wide video display.

Anger Due To by Gary MacLeod appears on PATTISON’s video board located at the corner of Yonge and Richmond streets, in the heart of Toronto’s financial district, familiar to more than 12,000 pedestrians a day during business hours. Ten videos will cycle throughout the day on the video billboard, with one of the 8-second videos screening approximately every minute.

Sign Me Up will appear in between paid advertising whenever space is available throughout the summer.