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The @OCCC Gets New Wayfinding

The Orange County Convention Center [1] (OCCC) in Orlando is the second largest event facility in North America and has just got itself a brand new wayfinding system designed and installed by Array Interactive [2], a digital signage agency in Silicon Valley.

occc wayfinding [3]

This new system enables OCCC staff to dynamically control the center’s live activity by routing directional and exhibitor branded content onto 66 signs on four different floors.

Yulita Osuba, OCCC Deputy General Manager said “Our motto is to make sure every visitor has a great experience, from the time they enter the convention center to the time they leave. With seven million square feet under roof, one of the most important things is navigation.”

William Kwok, Array Interactive’s CEO said “We created an intelligent application that integrated with the center’s Ungerboeck event management system to access real-time event data, dynamically convert it to the right information and deliver it to the right combination of displays. The system manages the constant delivery of a large amount of information to make navigating a complex environment easy.”