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Wayfinding at @OCCC, a Collaborative Effort

It turns out that there was more to the extensive new wayfinding system at the Orange County Convention Center [1] in Orlando that we wrote about last week [2] than we knew.

orange_county_3 [3]While Array Interactive [4]’s software system was used behind scenes, AECOM [5], the architectural firm with a digital signage and wayfinding sector was the lead on the project.

“AECOM has held the contract for the convention center for 10 years, and each year adds to what is there or designs a completely new project for it, depending on the budget,”
Jonathan Mugmon, head of digital signage and wayfinding at AECOM, told us. “This year, it was the new wayfinding system that has been installed on pillars throughout the West Building.”

In the past, the building had only static signage, says Mugmon. It is now, he says, the first convention center that has a wayfind system tied to its event management system. This means that the wayfinding signs will tell you not only the what and where an event is being held, but will direct the viewer on how to get there.

“AECOM recommended Array Interactive for the custom software and content design service portion of this project,” says Jeff Dumo, vice-president marketing and sales and partner, Array Interactive.

As a premier global architectural firm, AECOM handled the entire architecture aspects and designed the hardware elements as well as recommending the Cisco [6]-based solution of their role. Array Interactive was a partner of Cisco at the time and created the software application that enables the display of directional information – Cisco of course is no longer directly in the digital signage business, Ed.

Array Interactive’s application talks to Ungerboeck [7]’s Event Business Management System also involved. Presidio [8] handled installation.

orange_county_4 [9]There are 66 on pillars over the four floors of the West Building and AECOM, which has handled about $7 million in projects for the convention center over its contract, expects to install similar systems in the North and South Buildings over the next two years.

We expect to be hearing a lot more in the future from both AECOM and Array Interactive, which both work internationally. Among AECOM’s current projects is a major one at Abu Dhabi, while Array Interactive has big projects underway for a couple of oil companies.