More On Those Selfies Crossing The Street

Gail Chiasson, North American Editor

Over 100 clients from the advertiser and agency communities attended the VIP event sponsored by Clear Channel Outdoor at One Financial Center, overlooking Boston’s South Station last week.

The CCO Team: David-Grabert; Jane Anderson; Josh Kruter; Suzanne Grimes; Shaun Fahey; Laura-Longombardi; Lindsey Ryan; Rainbow Kirby

The CCO Team: David-Grabert; Jane Anderson; Josh Kruter; Suzanne Grimes; Shaun Fahey; Laura-Longombardi; Lindsey Ryan; Rainbow Kirby

One Financial Center overlooks Boston’s South Station which is home to multimedia and digital solutions from CCO.

Thomas Carr, Kinetic; Glynnis Reilly, OOH Pitch

Thomas Carr, Kinetic; Glynnis Reilly, OOH Pitch

Guests could take ‘selfies’ in a photo booth atOne Financial Centre which could then be seen across the street on the digital screens at Boston’s South Station.

Phil Morton and wife Nancy from Billboard Connection

Phil Morton and wife Nancy from Billboard Connection

The guests had a ton of fun in the photo booth. In addition to showcasing CCO’s digital capabilities, this event was very much a celebration of the addition of South Station to CCO’s portfolio and the opportunity it provides to advertisers. Attendees were also able to see how Nestle was using the space at South Station to great success with Outshine Bars creative nearly everywhere you looked.

Selfies in Boston South Station_rev (2)

This demonstration aimed to illustrate how marketers can engage consumers through out-of-home creative in real time to create or deepen a brand relationship.

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