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Tattooed Billboards Promote TV Program

The Spike TV Network [1] recently ran a campaign on Clear Channel Outdoor [2] billboards in Times Square to promote the new season of Ink Masters.

Spike TV Ink Masters 108f1 (8-28-14) copy [3]

To highlight the new seasons theme ‘Rivals’, Spike took over the only full block-sized Clear Channel Outdoor billboard in NYC, located on Broadway between 51 & 52nd Streets during the week of Aug 25. The block long CCO billboard started as a blank canvas with only two bare arms facing each other and the Ink Master logo. Each night for the following three nights, part of a ‘tattoo’ was added to both arms until the tattoos were completed on the third evening.

To draw the tattoos, two NYC-area tattoo-inspired graffiti artists were commissioned. The two who created these ‘sleeves’ of tattoos were: The Yok & Sheyro [4] and Lamour Supreme [5].