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The DailyDOOH Media Summit (@AlexTimbs)

Alex Timbs heads up Technical Sales Operations for AOL Platforms International.

Alex [1] discussed the relationship between the online world and Out of Home and he updated the audience on where AOL is now and explained some of their recent acquisitions. Interestingly, he also offered up his own definition of programmatic as “the use of technology to automate processes and the use of mathematics and algorithms to improve results”

Alex’s job functions include product strategy, business/market expansion, and operational logistics – all in order to make AOL’s products perform to advertiser and publisher requirements. AOL Platforms’ product suite includes display and video advertising networks, programmatic platforms, and advertising technology supporting cross platform/device targeting and optimisation.

Note: In order to make The DailyDOOH Media Summit video highlights [2] ‘package’ a little more digestible, during the summer we’ll be running a Friday post featuring each of the 30-minute presentations.