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Digital Signage 4 Employee Communications, New York

Employee Communications 2014_78x33_v2 [1]One of our roles during New York Digital Signage Week [2] is to give the industry’s best speakers a platform to share their knowledge, express their opinions and deliver insight to the rest of the industry.

If we get a good speaker and a good topic, then like a dog with a bone we will not let go, and to that end, we are delighted to say that two of our speakers from The DailyDOOH Investor Conference [3] will be returning to the speaking podium (the day after) to help us with an (already) all-star stellar speaking line up for Digital Signage 4 Employee Communications, New York [4].

Bloomberg’s Environmental Media Manager, Lisa Cohen and Christie Creative Media Services’ senior director of Experience Strategy and Creative Services Denys Lavigne (and of course founder and President of Arsenal Media) join world renowned corporate communications expert Chuck Gose, multi-award winning content creator James Fine, Captivate Network’s VP, Marketing and Research Scott Marden and Thomson Reuters’s Susan Heller.

Cameron at Bloomberg Link1 [5]

If that wasn’t enough great speakers, Bloomberg’s Lisa Cohen will also be joined by Danielle Cerrachio who is currently running Arcade, the ground breaking Employee Communications Network, at Bloomberg.

The agenda goes something like this: –

09:00-09:45 Registration and Coffee

09:45-10:30 The Physics of Employee Engagement, Chuck Gose

10:30-11:15 How Environmental Media transforms the workplace and builds brand equity through an integrated marketing and internal communication strategy, Lisa Cohen and Danielle Cerrachio

11:15-11:45 COFFEE

11:45-12:30 How to Make an Entrance, Denys Lavigne

12:30-13:30 LUNCH

13:30-14:15 How to Score Internally With Great Content, James Fine

14:15-15:00 Navigating an Ocean of Content: Advice for identifying content that your audience will find valuable and engaging and delivering it painlessly, Susan Heller

15:00-15:30 COFFEE

15:30-16:15 Employee Communication Strategies to Improve Work-Life Balance, Scott Marden

17:00 WRAP-UP

The event takes place in the Manhattan Room, TKP Conference Center, 39th St/Avenue of the Americas, New York on Thursday October 23, 2014 (and yes that is the same Conference venue where DSE ONE [6] takes place the Tuesday before).

Tickets cost USD 95 + local sales tax and you can register here [4].

The picture is from the BBC News at Ten, taken on Tuesday September 23, 2014 which shows The Right Honourable David Cameron MP (Prime Minister of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, and First Lord of the Treasury) and Michael Bloomberg. Behind them you can see the Union Jack [7]fluttering on the award winning Link Display).