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DSE One Extends Early Bird To Oct. 10

DSE One [1], a full day conference running Tuesday, Oct. 21. during New York Digital Signage Week, has extended its Early Bird deadline to Oct. 10.

logo dse one [2]This is a conference that will help you; learn how digital display technology will give your business the competitive edge; gain insight into more effective ways to drive customer sales and employee productivity through digital displays;find out how to create immersive digital experiences within your venue; and discover new software, hardware and mobile technology as well as content and application sources from a selection of leading exhibitors .

It will also be a great opportunity for networking with your peers.

Early Bird Rate: $285 through October 10, 2014, $385 after. For Digital Signage Federation Members: Early Bird Rate $250 through October 10, 2014, $350 after.