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A Man Called Horse (Does Standup)

Despite loading in more equipment than anyone else at DSE ONE – four big screens and a heavy duty stand, it was, once again, rather sad to see up-close what has become of ComQi.

Stuart Armstrong shuffled around DSE ONE and seemed more interested in stand up comedy than helping the company that chewed him up [1] but still refuses to spit him out.

As Stu is no doubt, on his way to untold TV celebrity, we’d like to suggest he do this remake of a famous film [2]

Partially spoken in Yiddish, the film tells the history of a New York aristocrat, Stuart Armstrong, who is captured by one of The Twelve Tribes of Israel.

Despite claims, to all who would listen, that ComQi still have big presence in New York, London, Israel, Singapore (where did that come from?) and Toronto the company is a broken shell of what it once thought it was.