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Keeping @StormDOOH’s Cromination in Tip-Top Shape

At The DailyDOOH Gala Awards last year, Clear Channel’s Storm Cromination [1] which consists of six consecutive 96-sheet screens sold together as a single opportunity (and by the way, is one of the longest digital Out of Home advertising sites in Europe – spanning as it does, a massive 72 metres) won a coveted ‘Reggie’ for Best Digital Billboard [2].

sky 470 [3]

It was back in May this year that we first started spotting the occasional problem with it. When we see a #digitaglsignagefail we always try and bring it to the attention of the media owner.

Cromination Module Out 470 [4]

The above picture was taken 19 May 2016 at 10:51 on an iPhone and sent to Clear Channel by email. To us it clearly shows one or more LED modules out – the BMW i8 campaign text should say ARTIFICIAL but it looks like the bottom half of six characters in that word are not clearly or fully ‘formed’.

Luckily the advert is black on black so it is not immediately obvious BUT we did spot it from inside a car, a fair distance away in sitting traffic.

Since that time in May, on our trips into London along the M4, we’ve passed by the billboard a number of times and have seen other minor issues with the LED. This is a shame as it really is a superb eye-catching digital billboard and one that deserves to be in tip-top shape every day.

We understand that the LED is from Ultravision International [5] based in Dallas, TX.

It was Ultravision LED that fell from a wall in Mellison Road, Tooting in London back in May 2015 and crushed a passer-by [6].