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Flow City And @Broadsign Partnership

Flow City and Broadsign today announced an AdTECH integration that makes premium global digital-out-of-home screens available for purchase programmatically on Flow City’s DOOH-specialty demand-side-platform.

[1]The collaboration allows media buying agencies, small businesses, and startups using Flow City to plan, purchase, and execute global DOOH campaigns with optimal visibility and exposure across new inventory located in shopping centers, supermarkets, and other high-traffic areas in the UK, France, and the US.

This includes premium inventory from Clear Channel available on more than 4,000 screens in the UK alone through their LaunchPAD programmatic offering [2].

Dagmara Lacka, CEO, Flow City told us “Broadsign is a DOOH leader and understands the intricacies involved in the delivery of compelling programmatic DOOH ads. Naturally, we’re thrilled to team up with them to bring our clients the unique screens and real-time reporting the Broadsign supply-side-platform (SSP) offers. The collaboration unlocks a massive pool of highly coveted DOOH inventory previously unavailable to our clients, including a large volume of desirable screens in the UK, Europe, and the US that will open up new commercial opportunities for our business to grow by nearly thirty per cent.”

We understand that Flow City clients have already started leveraging the integration to deliver programmatic DOOH campaigns promoting commercial office space, consumer goods, and luxury offerings from private jets to perfumes, cosmetics, high-end couture, private culinary services, and beyond.

Dom Dunne, Clear Channel Europe Programmatic Commercial Lead told us “Clear Channel LaunchPAD is an easy way for big brands and startups alike to engage with consumers through premium DOOH,” says Providing convenience, flexibility and scale, we know this enhancement to campaign planning and execution is a welcome addition to new and existing clients on the Flow City platform across the globe.”

Flow City helps brands take their product to the real world using digital billboards. Brands use the platform to plan and execute their growth – both on hyperlocal, national and international level. Unique sets of algorithms built especially for tactical and hyperlocal planning offer great budget efficiency.