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Bad Muzak Makes Us Walk

No, no, no it’s not allegations of wife-beating this month [1] but a certain Bruno Brookes gets a (nicer) mention in Saturday’s UK newspaper the Daily Mail.


Dr Vicky Williamson

Titled ‘How half of us have left a shop because of its muzak [3]

Immedia [4]’s science officer scientific adviser Dr Vicky Williamson [2] is quoted on the survey of 1,000+ shoppers who were asked both about their attitude to in-store music, and about how music affects them psychologically and emotionally.

Key results from the survey are as follows:

Whilst this is definitely worth repeating, personally I feel that there is nothing new here, it’s pretty much what we know already as it is oft told by fellow experts such as Julian Treasure and others. See Julian’s guest post ‘Sound Health In 8 Steps [5]‘ here for example.

The issue is that retailers just ignore what is pretty much common sense.

mu·zak/ˈmyo͞oˌzak/ [6]

Noun: Recorded light background music played through speakers in public places.