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Industry Stance On Patent & Troll Issues

Ken Goldberyg [1]With several different instances of patent trolls coming to the fore in the last few years, and with the recent racketeering and fraud charges [2] being brought against sometime-accused-troll [3] David Gothard of Activelight Inc., (president of Activision.TV and more), we decided that it was high time that we looked in depth at the digital signage industry and what seems, to date, to be a lack of cohesiveness in fighting (so-called) ‘patent trolls’.

We put a number of questions to Ken Goldberg (shown above), this year’s chairman of the Digital Signage Federation, (and now [4]) the ONLY industry association representing the digital signage industry in the U.S, – Ken doesn’t get paid for this; his daytime job is, of course, as  CEO of Real Digital Media [5] based in Sarasota, Florida, Ed.