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Hostile Bid for @TitanAds Reported Friday

New York based Reuters’ journalists’ Liana B. Baker and Greg Roumeliotis reported exclusively on Friday [1] that Welsh, Carson, Anderson & Stowe owned Titan was a likely acquisition target from former Bloomberg chief executive Daniel Doctoroff, who has allegedly partnered with a private equity firm in an effort to buy the business “according to three people familiar with the matter”.

Now it’s probably highly unlikely that anything will come of this but it does just go to show the interest in the out of home industry at the moment. You can see all of the industry M&A rumour and fact in one click here [2] (as, like always, we prepare well in advance for The DailyDOOH Investor Conference [3] which takes place as part of New York Digital Signage Week [4], Nov 2-6, 2015).