Business Week Says…

Adrian J Cotterill, Editor-in-Chief

This week’s Business Week has an article entitled “Point-of-Sale Advertising Goes High Tech” and says “New in-store digital ads are using the latest technology to target messages to individual buyers, boosting sales and even helping to manage inventory”

There’s little new in the article for those involved in Marketing@Retail but YCD Multimedia get lots of nice mentions.

One of the stand-outs was probably…

These new capabilities are attracting not only retailers, but also consumer-goods makers seeking more bang for their marketing buck. Spending on in-store digital ads will grow as much as eightfold over the next four to five years, to $3.5 billion annually in the U.S. and $600 million in Britain, predicts Foluso Laguda, a senior consultant at Frost & Sullivan.

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