67% US Residents Saw DOOH In Last Month

Russ Curry, Ministry of New Media

Significant good news from  a new study released Wednesday (Aug. 5) from respected US research firm Arbitron confirms that Digital Out-Of-Home video is not only becoming widespread in the US, but also that recall rates are high.

The Arbitron Out-of-Home Digital Video Display Study 2009 study reveals that approximately 155 million (67 percent of) U.S. residents aged 18 or older have seen an Out-of-Home (OOH) digital video display in the past month at one or more of the 17 types of public venues examined for the report. The general audience for OOH digital video displays represents a cross-section of American consumers, and closely mirrors the average U.S. population.

Audience Profile by Venue Type

Of those who recall seeing digital video displays in the past month, 76% noticed seeing them at multiple venues. Digital video displays in retail locations alone (including grocery stores, large retailer/department stores, drug stores, shopping malls or convenience stores) reach over half (53%) of American adults in an average month. OOH digital video displays at gas stations and movie theaters each reach over 1 in 5 U.S. adults per month.

Targeting Consumers by Venue

Out-of-home digital video networks can be mixed and matched to target certain consumer groups including the affluent, men and Hispanics. OOH digital video networks across the board reach a high concentration of young adults aged 18 to 34.

The announcement and full study can be downloaded here.

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