Magenta Research Staff Departures

Adrian J Cotterill, Editor-in-Chief

Very good people seem to be leaving Magenta Research now that Keith Mortensen, founder and (former) CEO of Magenta Research has returned.

News of a couple of departures reached us Tuesday – both good people and one of those a key member of the R&D Lab in Montreal.

New broom may sweep clean but we hear that employees are actually tired of Mortensen and his style after only a few weeks. This is a change of CEO that the board is gonna regret (we just know it).

One Response to “Magenta Research Staff Departures”

  1. Tom Nix Says:

    The former President Bob Michaels is a fantastic leader. I learned a great deal from Bob about the hardware side of our industry.

    He was instrumental in leading Magenta towards an innovative approach to signal distribution. It’s a shame he will not be there to enjoy the success of  Voyager.  Bob is a great pick for someone who needs a leader with vision and a great international distribution network.  (Not to mention a ready to plug in team on waivers).

    No one can deny Keith’s contribution and vision in founding Magenta, change is painful these days and it affects high quality people. I wish all current and former in New Milford good luck.

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