Grievous Intrigue

Adrian J Cotterill, Editor-in-Chief

We will have a couple of reports up tomorrow (Thursday) about the most excellent NEC Annual Showcase event held in the UK At Battersea Power Station today.

Lots of positives, great event but perhaps sad to see Mike Fabian there. We thought he might have finally given up on the industry that gave up on him years ago. In some ways a sad day.

4 Responses to “Grievous Intrigue”

  1. Emperor Palpatine Says:

    Good, good…

    ….my young padawan Darth Fabian continues to cause chaos and mayhem in the digital signage market, pretending to offer expert advice, misinforming customers, and drawing attention away from our real plot…to take over the world with IPTV…

    mwah ha ha

  2. Digital Guy Says:

    I saw a lot of bad comments to Mr. Mike Fabian. To be honest, I do not know what happened in detail, but I do not think this is correct to against a peron in pubic. Hope you guys can leave him alone and do not cuase the chaos inside our industriy.

  3. Jumper Says:

    I see Adrian must have changed his mind on the title. This is the second randition to the heading…

  4. Marko Polo Says:

    There is only one thing in the world worse than being talked about, and that is not being talked about. Without the oxygen of publicity that thing will go away.

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