#ArrivalsUnlocked New JCDecaux Airport Research

Geny Caloisi

New research by JCDecaux Airport has shown the untapped power of advertising in the Arrivals area of the airport. The ‘Arrivals Unlocked: AER III – The Final Chapter’ study shows that familiar and comforting advertising has a disproportionately positive effect among people returning to the UK and among visitors arriving in the country.

One of the gr8 slides shown at the #ArrivalsUnlocked event

For each group, the same airport advertising delivers a different experience. For Returners (UK residents), homecoming starts at the airport, and brands become part of a positive returning-home mindset (75% of returning UK passengers said the ads gave them a feeling of ‘familiarity’).

For Visitors (non-UK residents), airport media provides reassurance and familiarity when they are in a heightened stage of awareness. When the differences between a familiar and unfamiliar version of a brand’s messages are processed it leads to increased impact.

Steve Cox, Marketing Director of JCDecaux Airport said, “This research shows that Arrivals media has been undervalued as a communications’ channel and that it delivers real value and effectiveness for brands. Arrivals provides ‘two for the price of one’ coverage of UK visitors and UK residents at a time when they can engage strongly with the advertising and have a strong propensity to purchase. The research has important implications for brands in the run-up to the Olympics, targeting receptive audiences at key gateways to the Games.”

The research also identified the brands that resonated most strongly with passengers in Arrivals. Returners were most interested in returning to their everyday routine with films, music, alcohol and food proving of the most interest. Visitors were most receptive to advertising from electrical goods, food, mobile services and products where there was a price advantage to purchasing in the UK including fashion and computer products.

One Response to “#ArrivalsUnlocked New JCDecaux Airport Research”

  1. Kerry Sian Ballard Says:

    Interesting research – is there a white paper available?

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