Author Archive

A ‘Genius’ Approach 2 #InternalComms in a BYOD World

Thursday, April 17th, 2014

Guest Contributor, Chuck Gose

Usually the best advice is timeless. Look both ways when crossing the street, err, golden! Last year (2013), I attended Melcrum’s Digital Communications Summit. One of the biggest takeaways was a small bite from John Stepper, MD Social Media and Collaboration at Deutsche Bank. Smart internal communicators know that the mobile device is both the […]

What’s Now, What’s New, What Should Be, What Could Be At #GlobalShop

Thursday, March 20th, 2014

Guest Contributor, Chuck Gose

Since the time digital signage became an industry (whenever that was), the focus of events, workshops, webinars and so forth has seemingly been, primarily on the retail industry – and of course, the opportunity for large-scale, retail digital signage networks is there. We all see it, whether it be in traditional retail environments, QSR or […]

Half Use Digital Signage For Internal Communications

Sunday, March 16th, 2014

Guest Contributor, Chuck Gose

I believe it was seven years ago when I attended my first Digital Signage Expo – and the majority, if not all, of the attention was focused solely on retail – there was nary a whisper about employee communications. Having spent my career in corporate communications running digital signage networks, I was surprised at the […]