*New* Schindler Media Network w/ @HyghAG

Russ Curry, Ministry of New Media

Switzerland’s Schindler Group, has created the Schindler Media Network, a new digital OOH screen network focused on hyper-local advertising in residential and office buildings in Germany.

The advertising will be promoted and sold by a Berlin start-up, Hygh, which already sells some advertising programmatically.

Frank Schach, CEO of Schindler Germany was quoted as saying “Our screens match Hygh’s existing inventory of advertising media and expertise. Our partner also enables our customers to buy our advertising space programmatically. This is a real innovation. We are thus offering an attractive new advertising channel for medium-sized to large advertising clients and are also opening lift advertising as a channel for smaller companies. With the programmatic sale of space and significantly more flexibility in adapting the content or in the lead time, we react agilely to the requirements of our customers and can generate advertising impact very efficiently.”

We are not sure how this fits in with ‘Schindler Ahead‘, the digital brand of the Schindler Group who already have SmartMirror and DoorShow and their digital service offerings like RemoteMonitoring and ActionBoard.

Schindler Ahead promotes the fact that it is possible to, we quote “turn elevators ands escalators into communication platforms”.

The Schindler Media Network is intended both for residential and office building elevators. We understand that the network is already in twelve German cities, with more cities and screens being added.

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