LA Glow-in-the-Dark Billboards

Adrian J Cotterill, Editor-in-Chief

FX has launched some unique glow-in-the-dark billboards in Los Angeles, exclusively on Clear Channel Outdoor’s inventory, to promote the upcoming final season of FX’s Snowfall, which premiered yesterday Wednesday, February 22, on FX and streaming the next day on Hulu.

The creative is printed on vinyl using a special UV paint to create a fluorescent glow-in-the-dark effect when paired with the blacklights installed for this campaign on each billboard. Once the sun goes down, the effect is striking, showcasing an illuminated image that makes it look as though the skies of Los Angeles are dripping in ‘80s neon, with series’ lead ‘Franklin Saint‘ staring down from the pitch black night sky.

Ashley Traywick, VP, Advertising & Media said “Snowfall has always featured some of FX’s most vivid and striking art – it’s so incredibly eye catching. With this being the final season, we wanted to do something special and make an impression on audiences that would be fun to see in person”.

FX worked with Litco and GP Color, a printer that specializes in printing on vinyl using a special UV paint to create the striking glow in the dark effect.

The billboards can be viewed at La Cienega Blvd. at Stocker St. and Olympic Blvd. at Westwood Blvd.

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