Airport Advertising is a Highly-Effective Media

Adrian J Cotterill, Editor-in-Chief

Clear Channel Outdoor, Airports Division, the Americas-based airports business of Clear Channel Outdoor Holdings, Inc. (NYSE: CCO), announced this week the results of a comprehensive consumer insights study reinforcing that airport advertising is a highly-effective media for brands to reach a valuable audience of Frequent Flyers.

The Clear Channel Outdoor-commissioned Nielsen Scarborough study provides insights into frequent and business travelers’ responses to airport advertising, and the behaviors they take after seeing an ad.

“We have come a long way in the airport advertising sector and are now delivering brands increased engagement that drives results from the coveted audience segment of Frequent Flyers,” said Morten Gotterup, President, Clear Channel Outdoor, Airports Division. “Again and again airport advertising is translating dwell time into inspiring and innovative brand experiences that matter. This important research underscores the power of all the touchpoints throughout the airport that convert into media platforms from the moment a traveler walks into an airport, for the duration of their journey before departure, and then again at their destination. With a current surge in air travel demand and airlines already catering to travelers by adding more flights to their summer schedules, now is the time for brands to consider activating influential and impactful ad campaigns to reach coveted business and leisure travelers.”

83% of Frequent Flyers notice airport advertising and 3-out-of-4 associate airport advertising with high-quality brands.

With average dwell times of an hour plus, the airport offers unique opportunities to connect consumers with brands. More than 3-out-of-4 (79%) Frequent Flyers would like to try new products at the airport, 63% are interested in signing up for a travel rewards program, and nearly half (47%) find it appealing to take a photo at a branded selfie station.

This new research explores multiple audience segments, including how consumers engage with brands within the airport environment as well as the receptiveness of the elusive business decision maker.

Business Frequent Flyers are Back: 87% plan to take 3 or more business trips in the next 12 months.

A fundamental goal of the study was to understand the renewed wave of Business Frequent Flyers. It validated that elite business decision makers are not only flying, but they are tuned into airport advertising.

More than half (56%) of Business Frequent Flyers recalled ads after seeing them in the airport.

Additionally, nearly half (49%) took action after noticing an ad at the airport. Actions included: visiting a brand’s website (47%), downloading an app (36%), and sharing with a colleague (26%).

You can access the complete study here to discover:

  • How Frequent Flyers respond to interactive advertising experiences.
  • Why social media advertising components amplifies exposure and reach.
  • What leading technology solutions Business Frequent Flyers are researching and investing in for their companies.
  • How airport advertising influences future vacation planning and current tourism activities.

The proprietary Nielsen Airports Study, conducted from October 12-31, 2022, consisted of 1758 online survey respondents and was conducted on behalf of Clear Channel Outdoor’s Airports Division.

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