Reaching Persuadable Voters w/ #OOH

Adrian J Cotterill, Editor-in-Chief

South Carolina voters with Independent political party affiliation, but who say they feel closer to Republican, account for 92 million target in-market impressions for OOH inventory in the state according to an analysis of political audiences from Geopath, ahead of the South Carolina, Nevada and Michigan presidential primary elections this month.

The analysis demopnstrates how candidates can utilize OOH media to reach their target voters, including those who might be on the fence.

The analysis also shows that, across all audited Geopath inventory in the areas:

  • In Nevada, there are 252 million target in-market impressions from Republican voters, followed by 126 million target in-market impressions from voters with Independent political party affiliation but feel closer to Republican.

    Democrat: 476 million impressions
    Independent, but feel closer to Democrat: 194 million impressions

  • In Michigan, there are 121 million target impressions from voters with Independent political party affiliation but feel closer to Republican.

    Democrat: 336 million impressions
    Independent, but feel closer to Democrat: 140 million impressions

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