Ryarc / Advantech At CeBit Australia

Adrian J Cotterill, Editor-in-Chief

CeBit Australia 2008

Panasonic certainly had the most impressive stand by a long shot at CeBit Australia which opened this week. It was similar to the Broadsign stand you would have seen at DSE in Vegas and ScreenExpo in London – two stories high with a boardroom at the top AND of course the oblligatory 100+” monster screens!!

Ryarc Media Systems who were exhibiting with their partner Advantech told us that they had a consistent flow of traffic during the first day.

There seemed to be a very mixed crowd on the floor – no surprise we guess due to the very diverse product range offered by exhibitors – even Volkswagen / Audi was present with a large section of the floor dedicated to showcasing their new sports car !!!!

One Response to “Ryarc / Advantech At CeBit Australia”

  1. Ben Mooney Says:

    The final day at CeBit was as big if not bigger than the first. The Advantech stand had a great position at the entry and had good traffic all day….even after close (with our High Visibility Exhibitor Vests on) we were answering questions from visitors as they made their way to the exit.
    Ryarc continued to have enquiries from AV companies and a large number of visitors from government departments.
    Overall a successful three days for Ryarc and Advantech that has given us a number of strong leads and bus dev opportunities. The Australian Digital Signage market is healthy and growing at an encouraging rate.

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