My Goodness, My Guinness

Adrian J Cotterill, Editor-in-Chief

Blog postings this year have come from Paris, Amsterdam, Singapore, Mumbai, Copenhagen, Athens, Istanbul and today and for the rest of this week from Dublin.

We have Jorge Garcia de Bustos, our Head of R&D to thank for making it easy for our researchers to travel and continue to post – everything we use is up on the web; documents, spreadsheets, presentations on Google docs, the blog itself, our database of all of our (email) subscribers and all of our images are up in our server rack in Telehouse and perhaps most importantly we all use web based email – again from Google for all of our email domain accounts.

That makes it easy for us to pick up ANY laptop and go (this week I picked up one of our smaller iBooks) – Wi-Fi Internet access the other end means that all we need is available effectively as SaaS – of course a USB Thumbdrive as backup always also makes sense!

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