WeDOOH Not Quite Understand

Adrian J Cotterill, Editor-in-Chief

Husband and Wife team WeDOOH who rather glamourously scream ‘London, New York, Amsterdam’ on their business literature sent us the new look DoohJobs site for preview (no you can’t see it yet).

To be fair it looked quite good and was far better than the current powered by easyjobboards system in use at present.

As you know we are big fans of the eco-system that is steadily building up around our industry – though whether a dedicated online recruitment business is a good part of that is yet to be seen,

When you get posts like “I am the CEO of a digital signage startup company and am looking for a provider who can design a simple, 5 page website. The website needs to include a payment gateway, ideally Website Payment …” with a budget of USD 500 up alongsideĀ EnQii looking for a DIRECTOR of Product Management it makes you wonder.

It’s more Craigslist than DoohJobs at that point methinks.

Ours is still a relatively small industry sector, where even we (DailyDOOH) receive only 1,500 unique users a day.

We are unsure how DoohJobs will ever grab enough eyeballs to make the online part of the business work.

One Response to “WeDOOH Not Quite Understand”

  1. Marco Polo Says:

    EnQii – Titans, come on man, they are only minnows with much bluster.
    Scala leads by far and others not so far behind. But EnQii all pee and wind.

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