Adrian J Cotterill, Editor-in-Chief
Gail got back safely from NYC yesterday after covering what turned out to be an incredibly well attended and successful DPAA Summit – we have one more summary post up our sleeve which will be published Monday. Andrew and I are gearing up for our first sojourn to Frankfurt for #viscomffm (starting of course with our industry mixer on the Wednesday evening).
Whilst dithering over visiting Singapore or not the week after (9 – 10 November) for Digital Signage World Asia 2010 we also decided at the last minute to cancel our trip to NYC for #CETW for the whole team – NYC in November and USD 300 a night hotel rooms just didn’t cut it for us I am afraid. There’s a difference between a trade fair in sunny and cheap Las Vegas and a chilly NYC.
Whilst our hoped for trip to Los Angeles in December is now a definite no-no we do have a whole week for the whole team in Montreal at the end of November (more on that later).
- ISE DOOH Business Conference. 1st – 2nd February, 2010
- ISE2010 Amsterdam, 2nd – 4th February 2010. We take our DailyDOOH Blogger Lounge to foreign shores for the first time, so yes we will actually be on the show floor. For Digital Signage / DOOH folks this event just gets better and better. Expect to see Adrian, Andrew, Chris, Russ and Alex there.
- DSE, Las Vegas, 23rd – 25th February 2010. Expect to see Adrian, Andrew, Gail Chiasson and Manolo Almagro on the show floor, in the press lounge or in the new Blogger Lounge.
- CARTES in Asia, 16th – 18th March, ostensibly a digital security and smart technology event in Hong Kong, Manolo Almagro will be attending on our behalf and reporting back on how how smart tech is going to impact DOOH in the future.
- Marketing Point de Vente, Paris. March 30th, 31st March and 1st April 2010 at Pavilion 4 at the Porte de Versailles.
- NAB Show, Las Vegas, 12th- 15th April 2010. A nice overlap for us with KioskCom (see below). We will catch parts of this show whilst in Vegas.
- KioskCom Self Service Expo / The Digital SIgnage Show, Las Vegas, 14th- 15th April 2010. We have a Blogger Zone. Adrian is also chairing “Say What? Peeking Inside the Minds of Leading DOOH Electronic Media” at the event.
- OVAB Europe Supper Club. London. May 4th 2010, i.e. the evening before Screenmedia expo Europe – invite only for network owners.
- DOOH Expo / Screen Media Expo Europe, 5th – 6th May 2010. A much bigger DailyDOOH Blogger Lounge this year. The usual gang will be out in force on the show floor.
- InfoComm 2010, Las Vegas, 5th – 11th June 2010. Back for the 3rd year in a row to cover this important event.
- Whilst we don’t rate IBC as a digital signage event it’s big of course in the broadcast world and we will be there Friday evening through to Sunday evening. The event takes place 10 to 14 September
- Even with the likely National Strike on the last day, our Paris correspondent Russ Curry will be covering Viscom Paris for us. The event takes place from 21 to 23 September
- Adrian is chairing the Digital Signage Investor Conference which is being held 5th – 6th October 2010, New York City. Let’s hope we can make it as good as last year!
- OVAB Europe Supper Club, Munich. Invite only for network owners. It’s the evening before #DOOHBizKonf (see below).
- 4th Munich Digital Signage Conference, 19-20 October 2010, Munich #DOOHBizKonf in association with OVAB Europe
- DPAA Media Summit, New York City. Gail is attending this event which is being held Wednesday, October 27, 2010 – 8:00 am – 6:00 pm. (FYI PRN up-fronts are the evening before as well)
- We have a Blogger Lounge at Viscom Frankfurt which is taking place from 4th to 6th November #viscomffm – starting of course with our industry mixer on the Wednesday evening 3rd November
- #DSWAsia2010 Digital Signage World Asia 2010 9th – 10th November is seemingly gaining in importance
- #CETW – New York 2010. Customer Engagement Technology World, the event formerly known as both KioskCom and The Digital Signage Show, is being held at the Jacob K Javits Convention Center, New York, NY November 10-11, 2010
- The whole team will be in Montreal week beginning Nov 29th
You can see our 2009 Travelogue archive here for those of you who are interested.
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